Message from HoD

Department of Architecture

The Department of Architecture has been established with a visible impact on academic, mountain architecture research, and placement performance. The distinct focus on mountain architecture sets our department apart, offering an unparalleled learning experience. The Architecture Department is the youngest (March 17, 2024) established as a program under the civil department since 2017. Our department stands out with a range of innovatively designed programs. We continuously update our curriculum to meet the evolving needs of the industry and our significant stakeholders, setting us apart in architecture education. Students are always encouraged to get hands-on experience in mountain architecture and the current context, with the addition of internship opportunities with reputed organizations in national and international companies. The students have actively participated in collaborative workshops with international universities to supplement theoretical knowledge with new design approaches to sustainability direction. The department has been encouraged to conduct contextual local design projects dealing with community and social problems to find affordable solutions. Working in design studios always enhances the importance of teamwork and dealing with those skills of leadership, communication, and socialization.

The architecture department is deeply committed to social relevance and global competitiveness. We inspire our students to organize events and participate in various intercollege, national, and international competitions, fostering a global perspective and igniting a competitive spirit. With our focus on practical skills and industry relevance, our students are found hardworking and effective in any work environment, a testament to the quality of education we provide. Our innovative education and cutting-edge research have spawned thousands of companies, inventions, and collaborations to build a better future.

The curriculum design of architecture at Kathmandu University aims to balance professional knowledge and life skills. We are confident that our current curriculum has enabled the holistic development of budding, sustainable architects who can meet the expectations of the sustainable and inclusive Architecture world. By taking a course from the architecture department at KU, Professional Education, you'll distinguish yourself with new knowledge and life skills and make a powerful impact on your career. I welcome you to join us on our journey toward becoming a world-class center of excellence in mountain architecture research and education.

Bindu Shrestha, Ph.D.
Associate Professor & HEAD
Department of Architecture
Kathmandu University